Halbelfenmörder im Namen von Vile-Tys.
Magier 40 AP. Deutsche Version.
Lord of carnage
Created by Velrys, Prince of the Impure, the corps formed by the lords of carnage was inspired by the wolfen masters of carnage. It is composed of half elves who share their passion of combat and walk into battle to perfect their skills. However, the differences between both corps are crucial. First, the half elves do not have the physical power of their wolfen models and favor style over pugnacity. Second, they draw their powers from Darkness and not Water; and master the path of howls rather than torments.
The lords of carnage are half elf warrior mages whose profile was inspired by the “Revelations of Vile-Tis” card pack. Ambidextrous, Scouts and with POW 2, they now master Darkness and the path of Howls. Their special capacity, modified and simplified, allows them to increase the INI, the ATT, the DEF or the STR of the devourers accompanying them. This miniature comes with two spells for the path of Howls: Carnage increases the Strength of the beneficiary and Rage of the Hyena gives extra combat dice to the magician.
this blister pack contains 1 miniature and 4 cards for Confrontation, Rag’Narok and Cadwallon: Lord of carnage (reference carD), The lords of carnage (explanatory card), Carnage, Rage of the hyena (spells worth 10 and 15 A.p.).
Lord of carnage
Rank: Devourer initiate. Impure.
40 A.P.